Reach your Optimum Health
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Reach your Optimum Health through Functional Health and Nutrition
Sarah Bicknell,
BA (Hons), Dip Hort, CFNC, IPHM, FNLP, MFHT
Certified Functional Nutrition* and Lifestyle Practitioner
Reach your Optimum Health
Signed in as:
Sarah Bicknell,
BA (Hons), Dip Hort, CFNC, IPHM, FNLP, MFHT
Certified Functional Nutrition* and Lifestyle Practitioner
🔷Women's Health🔷Men's Health🔷Children's Health🔷
We offer trusted, evidence based advice and are fully insured, friendly and reliable.
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We understand how frustratingly hard it is to live with chronic health conditions, causing bloating, fatigue, diarrhoea, niggly or debilitating pain that just won't go away, itchy skin, aching bones and joints, sleep deprivation,
and a doctor who just keeps scratching their head!
We know, because I've been there myself.
If this sounds like you - we are here to help!
Whatever your chronic health conditions are, at Zmedclinix, we will help you to significantly improve your health. We will do this through trusted, evidence based advice. We realise that Gut health is the vital key to healing chronic illness and it is one that is crucially ignored by Western medicine. We are here to change that.
We care about your whole being and will guide you through vital nutrition and lifestyle choices and gentle natural supplements to achieve your goals. We will offer carefully tailored laboratory testing where we need to, to help fill in the gaps.
We can help you here in our cosy Surrey clinic or we can help you virtually - wherever you are in the world!
Our Functional Health and Nutrition Practice takes a whole approach and considers your lifestyle, nutrition, genetic disposition, psychology, physiology and your UNIQUE biochemistry to identify the root cause of your health concerns.
We can help you to identify the root cause and and help you with the following chronic health conditions:
🔹Chronic conditions such as CSID, F-Pies, CMPA, Reflux, Silent Reflux
🔹Digestive conditions: Coeliac disease, Crohn's Disease, Ulcerative colitis, IBS
🔹GUT health: Bloating, Diarrhoea, Constipation , SIBO (Smal Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth)
🔹Environmental Toxicity: Health conditions related to environmental toxins: fungus, mould
🔹Neurological: Migraines, fibromyalgia, MS
🔹Hormonal: overactive and underactive thyroids, fertility problems, endometriosis, diabetes
🔹Skin: Rashes, eczema, psoriasis, fungal infections
🔹Mental health: Depression, anxiety
We can help the WHOLE FAMILY... Women, Men and Children
Well Functional Nutritionists help people to understand what goes in one end, comes out the other end and the impact of all of that in the middle bit (all 8.5 metres of it)....that is the (not so) small intestines, large intestines and the way that everything actually links together.
We don't separate the body into different 'ologies' (like gastroenterology) as we don't see how they can be separated as they are all connected. So it's not really 'what you eat' more 'what your body can do with what you eat'.
We work on the premise that GUT health is the vital KEY to healing chronic illness.
Fascinating, hey!
At Zmedclinix we look in depth at the underlying causes.
We treat the whole person in front of us and not just the symptoms. We use carefully tailored laboratory testing where we need to, to help fill in the gaps.
We then create a unique health care plan, tailored to you to re-vitalise your health and to help you to overcome many chronic conditions.
Oh and we always consider the 8.5m within your middle bit - the bit you can't see (your gut health), but is of VITAL importance!
With years of experience, we will thoroughly assess you and create a custom recovery plan that's right for you.
We offer trusted, evidence based advice and are fully insured, friendly and reliable.
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ZMedclinix - Functional Health and Nutrition
Jumps Road, Churt, Farnham, GU10 2JY, United Kingdom
Copyright © 2020 ZMedclinix- Functional Health and Nutrition - All Rights Reserved.